Huawei Connect, the annual event of technology company Huawei held in Shanghai, marked its eighth edition, emphasizing its focus on artificial intelligence (AI) in Africa. The president of Huawei Northern Africa, that is, North, West and Central African countries like Algeria and Egypt among others, unveiled the company's strategic initiative, "Accelerate Intelligence for New Africa," during the Huawei Northern Africa Night event. This comprehensive blueprint aims to guide Africa toward a smart and connected future by integrating AI and smart technologies into key sectors such as health, education, transportation, finance, agriculture, and mining.

Huawei's commitment to this strategy includes a five-year, $430 million investment plan named Intelligent Future for the Northern Africa region, featuring the establishment of a public cloud center, support for local software partners, and talent development through training programs for developers and digital professionals. Huawei views Africa as a crucial part of its growth agenda, demonstrating its dedication to the continent's digital transformation.