Kenyan insurance technology firm mTek has secured a significant investment of $1.25 million led by Verod-Kepple Africa Ventures and Founders Factory Africa. This funding underscores investor confidence in mTek's disruptive potential and strategic vision for reshaping the insurance landscape across Africa. Since its establishment in 2019, mTek has been driving technological innovation in the insurance sector, empowering users through its digital platform to engage directly with insurance providers, compare policies, and submit claims seamlessly.

Leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning, mTek enhances customer experiences while improving operational efficiencies throughout the insurance value chain. With low insurance penetration rates being a significant challenge in Africa, mTek's innovative approach holds promise in addressing this issue. This investment reinforces mTek's commitment to reshaping the African insurance market through innovation and accessibility, promising a future of financial inclusion and resilience for millions across Africa.