Morocco's push to modernize its railway network has received a significant boost as it invests in extending the high-speed train (TGV) system to Marrakech and Agadir. This expansion is part of a broader partnership agreement with the Moroccan National Railways Office (ONCF) to enhance the country's transportation infrastructure. The agreement is estimated at 1.44 billion Moroccan dirhams ($139.9 million) to fund studies and real estate acquisition for the TGV network extension between 2023 to 2027. Although the exact cost remains undisclosed, it's estimated at $8.9 billion. The project will be completed in two phases, Kenitra-Marrakech and Marrakech-Agadir, aiming to connect eighty-seven cities and integrate ports and airports into the rail network, reflecting Morocco's commitment to development and sustainable performance.

The Moroccan government's partnership with ONCF underscores its dedication to comprehensive railway network expansion. The ambitious project involves constructing new high-speed and conventional rail lines, connecting eighty-seven cities, and establishing regional correspondence centers. This initiative aligns with Morocco's strategy to facilitate port, industrial, and logistical development, ensuring transportation growth and infrastructure enhancement.