La société de streaming musical Spotify et la branche musicale de la société chinoise Tencent Holdings Ltd achèteront des participations minoritaires l'une dans l'autre.

Cet accord permettra à Spotify, leader de la musique en streaming en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, et à Tencent Music en Chine, d'accroître leur exposition aux principaux marchés de l'autre.

Il a été rapporté que les entreprises étaient en pourparlers pour échanger des enjeux de jusqu'à 10 pour cent l'un dans l'autre.

Tencent Music Entertainment Group (TME), une filiale de Tencent Holdings, et Spotify vont acheter de nouvelles actions représentant des participations minoritaires dans l'autre pour de l'argent, les sociétés ont déclaré dans un communiqué.

SPOTIFY is a music, podcast and video streaming service launched in Sweden in 2008. On Spotify, music can be browsed or searched through parameters such as artist, album, genre, playlist, or label. Spotify has access to over 30 million songs. By June 2017, there were over 140 million active users per month. As part of the renewed negotiations with Universal Music Group and Merlin Network in 2017, Spotify's financial applications set out to pay over $ 2 billion in minimum payments over the next two years.

TENCENT  is a Chinese technology company founded in 1998 in the Cayman Islands, invests in media, entertainment, payment systems, smartphones, and internet. The South African media company Naspers bought 46.5% of Tencent in 2001 while the company could not make a profit for the first three years. Having worked with South Korean game developers, in the beginning, Tencent now is not only the biggest gaming company in the world but also the biggest internet company since 2004. On April 13, 2015, Tencent's market value exceeded $ 200 billion and was $ 206 billion.